The_Absent City
Assumed Name
Juana Manuela Gorriti
Leopoldo Lugones
Juan de la Rosa
An Anthology of Spanish-American Modernismo
"Target in the Night Scores a Solid Hit": NPR Review Entrevista en La Nación (enero 2015): "El traductor jamás es invisible" Additional Translations: "The Factory" a novel excerpt by Ricardo Piglia "Hotel Almagro" by Ricardo Piglia "Brief Stories" by Ricardo Piglia "City" [Ciudad] by Yaki Setton |
"Qué leen los que escriben": Presentación de Irse con Ricardo Piglia en Eterna Cadencia Review of Irse/Leaving in; Review of Leaving in Ciberletras Entrevista en La Nación: "Sergio Waisman: 'El traductor jamás es invisible; no es un mero copista, eso es una falacia" 'Target in the Night' Scores a Solid Hit (NPR) |
Borges and Translation
Borges y la traducción
Borges e la traduzione Selected Reviews of Borges and Translation: Review by Marcy Schwartz (MLN) Reseña en Página 12 Reseña en Variaciones Borges Review by Kate Jenckes (Hispanic Review) Selected Articles & Essays: "The 'Other Sort': A Nearly Invisible Scene of Translation" (Ciberletras) "Ethics and Aesthetics North and South: Translation in the Work of Ricardo Piglia" (MLQ) "Foundational Scenes of Translation" (EIAL) "Al traducir, el traductor crea el original" (Club de traductores literarios de BA) "Traducir en la Argentina es escribir la Argentina" (Página 12) "De la ciudad futura a la ciudad ausente: la textualización de Buenos Aires" (Ciberletras) |
Prof. Waisman received his PhD from the University of California, Berkeley (2000), and an MA in Creative Writing from the University of Colorado, Boulder (1995). His areas of research and teaching include Latin American literature and culture, with a focus on the Southern Cone; literary translation and theory; comparative literature; and Jewish-Latin American literature. |
Con agudeza e infinita paciencia, Sergio Waisman rastrea la marca de la traducción en Borges. Más que mera práctica- el autor analiza varias de las deleitosamente arbitrarias versiones hechas por el propio Borges- la traducción, propone Waisman, es un concepto crítico fecundo, que significa para Borges una manera de leer y pensar la literatura: la única posible.- Sylvia Molloy
Excellent first novel. Sergio Waisman knows how to follow the traces that Borges leaves for us. He recounts his relationship with his two languages and his two cultures as if they formed part of a family novel.- Ricardo Piglia
George Washington University
801 22nd St NW, Phillips Hall 513 Washington, DC 20052 202-994-6330 |